Comic Book Art

With the variety of comic books on the market today no wonder so many young people have decided to…

Realistic Pencil Drawing

Learning To Draw: You Are Gonna Need a Pencil

If you’re going to be doing any pencil drawing you’re going to need a pencil. I know, I know, thank you captain obvious…. But, in this article I want to talk about some of the different options available. Here are some of the options: Mechanical Pencils, Lead Holders, Woodless Graphite, And ofcourse traditional wooden pencils Mechanical Pencils: You’re probably familiar with these. They’re the ones that hold the lead (graphite actually) inside and when you push on…

Is It Art? Instant Drawing and the Digital Darkroom

Henri Cartier-Bresson is reported to have said after he had given up photography. “All I care about these days is painting—photography has never been more than a way into painting, a sort of instant drawing.” No one disagrees that painting is art, albeit the quality may vary but it is always considered art. Why isn’t this the case with photography? It is agreed that there is an art to photography but this means it is a craft…

7 Drawing Tips for Beginners

A child’s first scribbling is something which it tries to express if you give a pencil in his hand. Drawing is relatively very simple and an easy skill and is something with which you can have great fun. It is also relatively not a very expensive hobby and can start with paper and a pencil. It can go on till acquiring costly pen and tablets – a computer hardware through which you can draw on your computer.…